First of all, I would like to tell you my open house supposed to be held on 7th February. But since a lot of my friends could not make it on that day, I made ANOTHER open house which is earlier, on 31st January. I invited ten people to come but only six of them turned up. They were Them Hong, Chin Hong, Audrey, Yi Theng, Yen Yee and Chee Hoe. Them Hong was the first one to arrive and we had some chit-chat while waiting for the rest. I told him I was running a temperature at 5am but fortunately I managed to recover when I woke up at 9am. If I had not recovered, the open house would have cancelled, I afraid. Chin Hong fetch the girls from Maluri LRT station to my house and they arrived at 1pm. By the way, where was Chee Hoe? Haha. When we had just finished our lunch, he called me and said he was lost at the GIANT. All of us went to fetch him by Chin Hong's car. Before going back to my house, we all went to visit Them Hong's house. We played few rounds of Blackjack and Chee Hoe was the banker. Well, luck did not really knock on his door as he lost some money to us. Haha. Since Chee Hoe had not eaten, everyone went back to my house and had lunch for the second time. After that, we played some games and the punishment for loser was drinking the beer. When Chin Hong was "destined" to take the beer, he said he could not do so because he had to drive us home later. GOOD EXCUSE but we would not let him go that easily. Well, we played a practical joke on him by using the eyeliner to doodle his face. OH MAN. This was far worse than drinking a beer. Everyone stayed in my house until 5.30pm. We went to Time Square to buy Baskin Robbin because they would be 31% discount on that day and in passing, we wanted to visit Win Nie who was working there. I bought half gallon of the ice cream but it became like cream soup when I brought home. The four flavours mixed together but thank god it was still delectable when I tried it two days later. >.<
Word for today : scrumptious
Meaning : appetizing, palatable, tasty
"The open house will give people an opportunity to see what's going on and the ideas they might have."
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