Friday, April 23, 2010

First Day of NAC 2010.

I was more than lucky to be chosen to go for National Achievers Congress 2010 (NAC 2010), as only 20 students from TARC are allowed to go and the ticket cost 800 bucks per pax which was fully sponsored by the college. The congress was held from 23rd - 25th April in the Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre and the the theme for this year is 'Leading The Future'.

At first, I was told that the congress would have talks about leadership since Tony Blair (The ex-Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) was one of the speakers. After attending the first day, we found out that the congress was all about business and money-making. At there, we could hardly find anyone at our ages as most of the participants of the congress were businessmen/women.

The first speaker was Jordan Belfort, the author of the book 'The Wolf of Wall Street'. He was known as the former white collar criminal who spent 22 months in jail for manipulating the stock marker and operating a boiler room. He told us the reasons why most people are broke, taught us about the 'straight line system' in business and etc.

The second speaker was Dan Eckelman. 'Transforming US Tax Liens into Wealth' was the topic of his talk. He discovered the tax lien industry 20 years ago and realised the industry is a potential investment opportunity with high returns. Tax lien is a lien placed against a property for non-payment of taxes. He taught us about auctions for lien sales, the Dane Wealth method, investor control and techniques to become a successful investor in tax lien.

Robert G. Allen, the America's foremost #1 millionaire-maker, was the third speaker of today. He was a Canadian-American financial writer whose real-estate investment and other popular financial books have appeared on the New York Times Best Seller list. His book 'Nothing Down' had established him as one of the most influential investment advisors of all time. He told us that we can make money with little or no money in multiple ways and sometimes we must be willing to make a fool of ourself in order to achieve our dreams.

Spike Humer, whose talk topic was 'The 10 Day Turn Around', was the last speaker of the day. He was formerly the COO and Chief Consultant at the Jay Abraham Group and he had more than 25 years experience leading both public and private companies. Unfortunately, we were not able to stay for his talk until the end as we need to leave at 5pm (It was the majority's decision). He talked about how one can transform his or her life and business virtually overnight and we were enlightened by his 'A Har', which he always said that during his speech.

To be continued~

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