Friday, May 4, 2012

Jeff Meets Foreigners

After delivering goods to my customer this early morning at PWTC, I went to Petaling Street for a walk before taking bus home. It's been awhile since I last shopped alone and went to China Town. It really feels good though.

While I was having Dry Pan Mee at my favourite food stall, a foreign guy pointed at my Pan Mee and told the hawker that he would like to have one. He smiled to me and said 'it looks good'. He requested the permission to sit with me after I asked him where him come from.

We started talking and I found out he is from Netherlands. Someone who decided to backpack after graduating from his university. He's been to Australia and Singapore before visiting Malaysia. He told me that few hours later, he would be on his way to Bali, Indonesia. We also talked about many other things - movies, travel, languages, culture and even the Bersih 3.0. LOL

Tall, good-looking and friendly guy. I was really surprised when he told me he is only 22 years old. Well, people from western Europe are mostly tall and mature-looking. I gave him my name card and he said he will add me in Facebook. If I happened to visit Netherlands or backpacking, he said I could look for him.

I've wanted to go backpacking since long time ago, but I have to at least complete my bachelor degree first before doing so. I know it is going to be really fun and exciting to have working holiday and travel around the world.

At a bus stop, I met another foreigner. She asked me whether I speak English and some questions about the bus. She is a middle-aged American who actually resides in Singapore. She was staying in Malaysia temporarily due to the expiry of her Singapore visa.

From the way she spoke, I know she is not very friendly. She just walked off when the bus came without saying 'bye' or 'thank you', but ask me another question before boarding the bus.

Today's meeting with different people had made me realise one very important thing: Instead of just staying at home facing computer screen and playing social networking all day, people should just go outside more and meet different real people.

Due to advancement in media technology, it has greatly affected the way we live and how we communicate with each other - less real conversations and glue our eyes more to smart phones, laptops and etc.

I really appreciate that the business have given me the opportunity to go outside and meet more different people. ;)

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