Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Late for Registration

The night before we were all rushing our editing for PSA and short drama, but the next morning they have course registration for the next semester. My university management have never been smart for once. 

Slept at around 1am and set my alarm clock at 7.45am., but I woke up at 10am. Damn my stupid alarm clock! My first thought. Later I realised that the alarm clock did not malfunction, but I was sleeping like a pig and it got tired ringing. 

I was very exhausted, indeed. 

I am supposed to register four subjects for the next semester but now I can only register for two subjects. I guess I just have to wait until next semester to change my timetable at the office. 

After the today's screening for PSAs and short dramas, it will be a big hooray for me and I want to sleep like a hibernating bear.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Zero for Quiz

My handphone battery dies in the morning. Alarm clock does not ring and I wake up late.

I receive a call from my classmate saying that lecturer is giving a sudden quiz. When I reach the classroom, the quiz ends and I get ZERO. *sob* 

My heart aches a little because it's a true-or-false quiz and it make up 5 marks of the whole coursework. Film studies is a tough subject with 70% coursework, therefore I'm very concern about the quiz even though it is only 5 marks.  

Being late for a class has a price to pay. =(

Lesson learnt: Charge my handphone battery before sleep. Lol.  

Good night. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012




虽然在安利里面我暂时还没有赚到很多钱, 但对一个还在就读大学的人,兼职一个月能赚几百块也是不错了。而已安利生意是长期的,生意额是可以通过时间和行动的累积而增长。倒时候,安利是会越做越轻松,但赚得钱会越来越多。

虽然学校的功课越来越繁忙,但这个月我还是要继续突破。今天有一位领导人报告说如果在八月(只有这个月)业绩上有突破的人,Peter Lee老师会请我们到他的豪宅(‘逆战’里面的豪宅是属于他的)吃豪华自助餐,然后身为马来西亚第一个安利皇冠大使的他会亲自颁奖来表扬和鼓励我们!

