Saturday, January 21, 2012

Habits That Makes You Sick

1. Don't sleep enough.

Studies show that sleep too little will cause low levels of leptin (hormone which helps keep appetite under control). A person might overeat the next day if he/she sleeps too little. Production of chemicals in the immune system that defend your body against germs will shut down. Sleep deprivation also can turn up levels of chronic inflammation, which increases the risk for heart attacks, strokes, osteoporosis and etc.

2. Skip breakfast.

There's a high shortage of glucose in your bloodstream after a long night's rest. If you don't eat breakfast and head out the door with low blood sugar, your brains will not operate at full speed as they need steady flow of blood sugar to run effectively. You may also feel less sharp-witted.

3. Don't exercise.

Being idle for the whole day will cause your body converts unused sugar to fats. Fat cells around the waistline produce chemicals that cause insulin resistance and low-grade inflammation, which promotes heart diseases and other conditions. High blood sugar levels damage nerves and blood cells, cause diabetes complications such as blindness and kidney disease.

4. Hold grudges.

Staying angry for a long time is terrible for your health. It raises blood sugar level and blood pressure, damage your heart and produces endothelin (trigger heart attacks by causing plaques in the arteries). Other research has found that intense, sustained anger can actually cause an arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, which can stop your ticker from ticking permanently.

Take good care of yourself folks. Good night. =)

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