Started my internship two weeks ago and everything was great. Unlike working in other big production houses or media company, I do not have to work long or shift hours. I plan, script, shoot, edit at my own pace and time.
Everyday I go to the office at 9.30am and leave on time at 6.30pm. My supervisor will have a two to three hours discussion or sharing session with me daily so that I can learn something new and how to make a better production.
In Mediasaya, I am considered as high-end slave (LOL), according to my supervisor. I was given the position Creative Media Executive but I don't get paid at all for interning in the company. Some of my friends and family members said it wouldn't be nice if you work for a company without allowance.
On second thought, internship is about getting experience before venturing into the real working world, not earning money. If I could get valuable knowledge and priceless experience from a company, all these will worth much much more than a piece of money.
I will update again soon.
Below is a time lapse video done by me about the 'punch card' system of my company:
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